Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Ayurvedic tips For Better Health

Drink Hot Water :
Drinking hot water regularly is a classical Ayurvedic recommendation for balancing Vata and Kapha dosha, strengthening digestive power, and reducing metabolic waste (Ama) that may have accumulated. Boil a sufficient amount of unchlorinated tap water or (still) mineral water in an open saucepan, for at least ten minutes. Keep this water in a thermos flask and take a few sips (or more, if you are thirsty) every half-hour throughout the day. It is the frequency rather than the quantity that is important here. To increase the positive effect you can add 1-2 slices of fresh ginger (or a pinch of ginger powder) to the water when boiling it.
Daily Oil Massage :
One of the most enjoyable things you can do for your body and health is to have a full-body oil massage in the morning before your bath or shower. An oil massage has a soothing effect on the nervous system (Vata), strengthens the circulation, and helps to remove toxins from the body. The Ayurvedic texts explain that the use of oil massage brings about a soft, flexible, strong and attractive body. It is extremely beneficial for the skin and should therefore be done regularly.
Soothing Sleep:
Nowadays many people find it difficult to switch off in the evening and enjoy a good, deep sleep. The Ayurvedic texts give the following recommendations for people who have difficulty in sleeping: Regular oil massages; occupying oneself with pleasant and uplifting things; warm baths; light food in the evening (e.g. soups) and not taken too late; use of aroma oils; listening to relaxing and pleasing music; a comfortable bed and a pleasant atmosphere in the bedroom. Ayurveda recommends going to bed before ten o'clock: Each time of day has a different "quality". From 6 to 10 in the evening Kapha dosha is predominant, which facilitates failing asleep. From 10 o'clock onwards is Pitta time, when mental experiences should be being processed during sleep. If instead one remains awake, it is a common experience that the tiredness gradually disappears and one is then unable to fall asleep till well past midnight.
Drinks :
Lassi is an Ayurvedic yoghurt drink, which not only tastes wonderful but also helps digestion and balances all the doshas. Yogurt and lassi are not considered the same thing in Maharishi Ayurveda.
Ghee or Clarified Butter
Ghee has many fine qualities according to ayurveda. Used in cooking it enhances the sattva or pure quality in food. Also it acts as a digestive. It is good for both Vata and Pitta.

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